Scaffolding Hire Auckland: We have a Scaffolding Hire and Sales division for our clients to access

Scaffolding Hire and Sales Auckland, since 2010 when Summit Scaffolding Ltd was established, there’s been a lot of action in the scaffolding hire and sales Auckland scene.   

Summit are a company also on the up and up – not just literally as in working at heights, but also professionally.

Those directly working in the industry recognise that the art of scaffolding is a demanding enterprise which provides challenges in logistics and engineering.

Summit Scaffolding Ltd have overcome these challenges by employing a crew who have great attitudes and enormous aptitude – and access to the right equipment.

We believe that making the best materials available to our workers encourages the best-finished product.

Top-notch equipment isn’t just reserved for our team to use though. We have an Equipment Hire and Sales division for our clients to access including:
• KSL Tube and Fittings
• Kwikscaff System
• KSL Ringlock System
• KSL Falsework and Propping.

Clients can circumnavigate the need to ‘shop around’ or deal with sales reps because we have all the gear you need right here at our premises.

Summit Scaffolding guarantee that the scaffolding products we use ourselves, hire out, and sell are representative of a standard higher than the ‘Good Practice Guidelines for Scaffolding in New Zealand.

An exemplary work safe record has aided this good practice, and the quality of jobs completed for residential, commercial, industrial, and civil is stand-out.

Achieving such standards doesn’t come easy, but Directors, John Scott and Bruce Pickerill are extraordinarily proud of how Summit Scaffolding Auckland has become a dynamic example of excellence.

Summit Scaffolding Auckland supply comprehensive Scaffolding Hire and Sales facilities

Scaffolding Hire Auckland. For scaffolding equipment hire and sales in Auckland contact Summit Scaffolding who offer scaffolding products for purchase or hire.

Summit Scaffolding Auckland have gathered the resources required to supply comprehensive Scaffolding Hire and Sales facilities to Auckland.

The option to hire or buy scaffold (then sell back to us if you prefer) is a useful facility for tradies, building companies, and contractors who prefer to organise their own scaffolding equipment.

We are happy to present solutions for your scaffold hire or buy requirements, and we can always fill your order quickly and cost-effectively, no matter the scale of your job.

The equipment we recommend is Kwikserv, and we have such confidence in this product that we have it designed and manufactured in our factory in China.

This manufacturing process is achieved under strict quality control supervision and is certified by SGS to achieve ISO9001:2000 standards per Australian and New Zealand legal guidelines.

Summit Scaffolding import the full range of Kwikserv products and we also stock a huge range of components in-house.

We are proud of our repeat and ongoing business with all scaffolding hire in Auckland for residential, commercial and industrial clients … sure evidence of our ultimate commitment to excellence.

Scaffolding Hire and Sales Auckland: Contact Summit Scaffolding Ltd

Our scaffolding equipment hire and sales division is a successful example of our hard-working efforts in creating positive business relationships and maintaining them.

For scaffolding equipment hire, Summit Scaffolding Auckland is open six days a week with equipment available from our yard or ordered in and shipped to your premises in good time.

Call us for these products:
KSL Tube and Fittings – Kwikscaff System – Kwikstage System – KSL Ringlock System – KSL Falsework and Propping – Scaffolding accessories.

Summit Scaffolding Ltd: Branches Auckland | Northland | Waikato | Bay of Plenty

Request a quote

Contact Us

Summit Scaffolding Ltd.

Branches Auckland | Northland | Waikato | Bay of Plenty |

Postal Address:
PO Box 58-061, Botany, Auckland 2163

Physical Address:
38 Birmingham Road, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013

0508 SUMMIT (786648) or 09-525-0767


Visit the Auckland Branch Website:


Visit the Waikato Branch Website:


Visit the Northland Branch Website:


Visit the Bay of Plenty Branch Website:
