Summit Scaffolding Auckland. Scaffolding Equipment Hire or Sale Auckland

Summit Scaffolding Auckland have gathered the resources required to supply comprehensive Scaffolding Hire and Sales facilities throughout the Auckland region and beyond.

The option to hire or buy scaffold (then sell back to us if you prefer) is a useful facility for tradies, building companies, and contractors who prefer to organise their own scaffolding equipment.

Hire or Buy from Summit Scaffolding Auckland. Commercial, Industrial, Civil, and Residential Scaffold.

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Contact us

Summit Scaffolding Ltd.

Branches Auckland | Northland | Waikato | Bay of Plenty |

Postal Address:
PO Box 58-061, Botany, Auckland 2163

Physical Address:
38 Birmingham Road, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013

0508 SUMMIT (786648) or 09-525-0767


Visit the Auckland Branch Website:


Visit the Waikato Branch Website:


Visit the Northland Branch Website:


Visit the Bay of Plenty Branch Website:


Scaffolding Hire and Sales Auckland. Branches in Auckland | Waikato | Northland | Bay of Plenty